Wednesday, September 22, 2010

adventures with s @reynoldstown & cabbagetown (nikon d70)

A few years ago, I paid a visit to Reynoldstown and Cabbagetown, two gentrifying areas of Atlanta close to downtown, with my friend S. Soon after arriving in Reynoldstown we discovered a dilapidated house that looked like it was about to fall down. I didn't venture inside, as it looked particularly unsafe and there was substantial evidence that the residentially challenged folks were occupying the premises.

After photographing Reynoldstown, we made our way over to Cabbagetown, where I was thrilled to photograph a lost toilet, one of my favorite subjects. At the end of the journey, I came across this emer graffiti, but found the texture of the discarded junk in front of the wall more interesting than the writing.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Upcoming Show! October 9th, 2010 at Element Coffee Co.

I have an upcoming show! Details are as follows:

Opening Reception
8 to 10 pm October 9th, 2010
Element Coffee Company
12635 Crabapple Road
Milton, Georgia 30004

As a sneak preview, the following three images will be part of the show: Drugs Four, No Farming Eight, and It Does The Body Good.

Element Coffee Company is an excellent independent coffee shop in the Historic Crabapple area near Alpharetta, Georgia.
